Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Plane Ticket and Sale #2

I bought my plane ticket. I leave March 26th at 10:09am from the Detroit airport and I will arrive at the Incheon Airport in Korea March 27th at 9:10pm. I got a great deal using studentuniverse.com so if you're a student looking to travel, try there. No, I was not paid to advertise that.

I will sell everything else I own on March 22nd at my apartment. Anything that is not sold will be donated to charity or returned to my parents.

I still have no place to live, no visa, no money, etc.. I'll figure it out.

I found a replacement tutor for my students here, thanks to my friend Han. Her name is Megan, and I'm sure she'll do well.

1 comment:

  1. No job, no visa, no money. Maybe you want to postpone this trip.
